Are you a recent high school graduate or college student eager to gain valuable skills? This series of free classes is designed to equip you with essential tools for personal and professional growth. Bring along a bag lunch, something for taking notes, and be prepared to engage and learn!
Note: Weekly topics are subject to change, registrants will be notified if sessions are updated.
Marketing to the Skeptic
Tuesday, July 23rd at noon
This session will be held on Zoom
Marketing to the Skeptic teaches you how to craft and execute invitations that resonate with even the most hesitant audience. Learn effective strategies to understand and address the mindset of your invitees, ensuring your invitations are compelling and successful. This session will be held on Zoom, a link will be emailed to you a few days before the session.
Email Marketing 101
Tuesday, July 30th at noon
St. Matthew's Parish Hall | Classroom 4
Email Marketing for Beginners introduces you to the essentials of sending targeted messages to engage, inform, and convert subscribers. This class will equip you with the basics to understand email marketing and strategy.
Strategies for Good Mental Health
Tuesday, August 6th at noon
St. Matthew's Parish Hall | Classroom 4
This class provides high school and college students with essential strategies for maintaining good mental health. Learn practical techniques for managing stress, building resilience, and fostering a positive mindset to support your overall well-being.