Adopt a Family or Select a Single Gift

Giving Tree Gifts Due Sunday, December 15th!
Please drop off your labeled, unwrapped gifts in the Parish Hall, in the bin or section labeled for the school or family you ‘adopted.’
Still wish to participate? While we no longer have individuals to "adopt," there are additional ways to give:
🎀Gift Cards: We are collecting Walmart, Food Lion, or Safeway gift cards in the $25–$50 range to help with additional requests.
🎀Online Gift: You can make a financial gift online and include "Giving Tree" in the memo.
Your generosity ensures that every family and school receives the support they need this holiday season.
Thank you for helping us Know and Share God's Love and making a difference in our community!
What better time of year than Christmas for us to Know and Share God's Love with others in our community?
Our annual Giving Tree will be up beginning Sunday, November 24th for those interested in adopting a family or picking up single items.
Our school leaders gave us valuable feedback on what is most helpful to the families in our community. This means while there are fewer family requests this year, we are able to make the holiday brighter for more students and have collected wish lists for all! We encourage you to select as many student (tree) ornaments and family (star) ornaments as you are moved to fill. Please note each ornament represents a wish list for a specific student or family so they all must be turned in by December 15th!
How to participate:
· Choose an ornament from the tree (for family star ornaments, be sure to sign the sign-up sheet).
· Return labeled, unwrapped gifts to St. Matthew's by December 15 (include school name and gift number on all gifts). Office hours are Tuesday/Thursday 8AM - 5PM, Sunday 8AM - 12:15PM, and by appointment 703-430-2121.
· Invite a friend to donate a Walmart, Food Lion or Safeway store gift card in the $25-$50 range or a specific item identified on an ornament.