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Baptism at St. Matthew's

The Episcopal Church believes that baptism is a celebration.  Through baptism—in any Christian denomination—we become brothers and sisters in God’s family.  It marks a formal entrance to the congregation and wider Church.  In it, a small amount of water is generally poured over the individual’s forehead after they have made a short series of vows, including an affirmation of the Baptismal Covenant.  The baptism itself is in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

People of any age are welcome to be baptized.  It is a public affirmation of your faith or your commitment to your faith on behalf of your child.

Baptism is a moment for our whole community to come together to rejoice, to recommit to the promises made for us, and to pledge our support for this newest member of the Church family. Baptisms are performed by a Priest or Bishop, and they are scheduled as part of regular Sunday services. Baptisms are not typically performed during the seasons of Lent or Advent. Emergency baptisms are available. Please call the office directly at 703-430-2121 for more information, or if you have a family emergency.

If you would like to discuss your intention to be baptized or to have your child baptized, please complete our BAPTISM REQUEST FORM. A member of our clergy or office staff will be in touch to discuss scheduling and answer any questions you may have. 


Common Questions


Can I be baptized as an adult?

Yes, if you were not previously baptized.

How many godparents/sponsors are required?

Godparents should be people close to you who will be there to support you as you live a Christian life and/or raise your child in a Christian life.  We ask that you select at least one and as many as three people to serve in this capacity.  Godparents should be baptized themselves and active in their own Church families.

If the person wishing to be baptized does not have a godparent in mind, members of the congregation can serve as sponsors.

Is there a fee for baptism?

No; it is a service freely offered as an expression of love.

Confirmation, Reception & Reaffirmation

Confirmation St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
Baptism and Confirmation Sterling Virginia

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."


Matthew 28:19-20

What is confirmation?

Persons who were baptized as children and who wish as mature adults to commit themselves to Christ and to renew their Baptismal Vows will receive the laying on of hands for confirmation. Confirmation is a rite performed by the Bishop, typically during their bi-annual visit. Please contact the office to discuss scheduling.


What is Reception?

If you have been baptized and confirmed in another church and now know the Episcopal Church and wish to live as an Episcopalian. Reception is a rite performed by the Bishop, typically during their bi-annual visit. Please contact the office to discuss scheduling.

What is Reaffirmation?

For those who have been baptized and confirmed and are renewing your promises in a very intentional way.  This rite may be meaningful if you have fallen away for a long time and are returning to the church. ​Reaffirmation is a rite performed by the Bishop, typically during their bi-annual visit. Please contact the office to discuss scheduling.

Interested in Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation? Contact for more information.

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201 E Frederick Drive

Sterling, VA 20164

(703) 430-2121

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