Letter from the Rector
Rev. Rob Merola
Dear Friends, This is the 25th annual report I have written for Saint Matthews—writing these reports now for a quarter of a century. In every one, we celebrated the many ways God was leading us forward and blessing us. 2024 was no exception. In many ways, it was—once again!—our best year yet. Like so many years past, we gave away more money—over $100,000—through various forms of financial assistance and much-needed material goods than ever before. We could do that because you gave more generously than ever before. This, too, has been a consistent pattern over the years. Service attendance numbers increased dramatically, rising another 12.5% (after our already unprecedented 23% growth in 2023). That’s all the more impressive considering how constrained we are by space. I think we all feel God’s presence in our Sunday worship, and that makes Sunday mornings feel great! We’ve always been crystal clear: numbers only matter because they represent people who matter. We track numbers because people are so important to us, believing to our core that we’ve never locked eyes with a person who doesn’t matter to God. For this reason, we are also greatly encouraged by the growth in the number of children, youth, and young adults active in our church family. Of course, our staff worked tirelessly, with incredible creativity and commitment, to move ministry forward at Saint Matt’s. At a time when so many churches are still struggling, I hope you realize what an incredible achievement this is. I personally think they are peerless in the service they offer. But as much as the staff does, there is still more to be done. Saint Matthew’s story has always been written in large part by our volunteers as well. There is nothing more important than the work of God. Through it, pain and suffering are relieved. Needs are met. Healing occurs. Hearts are changed. Divides are bridged—and sometimes even disappear. All of these things happened in 2024, often directly because of you. And I don’t think it has ever been more important to do this work than now. There is so much more that could be said—and is said in the following pages. I hope you will take time to read them, look at the pictures, and feel your spirit lifted by all the positive things that are happening at Saint Matthews. I hope you will also take the time to say a prayer of thanks to God, the One who makes all this possible. What’s your part? Continue doing what you already do so well! First, INVEST. Invest your one and only life in what truly matters. Ask God, “What would you have me do?” Listen. Act. We don’t have to get it exactly right. We do have to keep moving forward and learn along the way. Second, INVITE. Invite everyone you know to join us! I’m going to go out on a limb and say the reason you are here is because you are feeling a connection to God in this community that makes your life better. It’s a source of positive energy in a too-often negative world, and that energy—the Holy Spirit!—makes life good. So many people all around us are hungry for this. Invite them, friends. Help them find what you have found, what God has given you. Don’t keep it to yourselves. Finally, I don’t want to ever miss an opportunity to say how proud I am of you, how much I enjoy knowing and sharing God’s love with you, and how much I love each and every one of you. With much love and affection, Rob+

Questions from the Annual Meeting
What is included in Spiritual Formation?
Spiritual Formation includes the following: Faith Factory, Children’s Ministry, Vacation Bible School, Youth, Lenten Devotionals, and Retreats.
Do we have statistics on pledge income?
The bulk of our giving comes from 9:30AM attendees even though we do not pass plates at 8AM or 9:30AM services. 263 active giving units support St. Matthew’s. 106 regularly give online. 36 regularly give through Bill Pay or Giving Trust. Approx. 142 that pledge on a regular basis totalling approximately $700,000.
Does the 2025 Building and Grounds include the HVAC replacement?
The 2025 B&G budget only includes repairs. The first estimate we have on replacement of the parish hall, offices, and bathroom system is $250,000. We are discussing ways to pay for the replacement system. We have a seasonal reserve fund and major repair reserve which can help cover some of the cost. At this point, the HVAC replacement is the parish hall, classrooms, and offices. We pray the sanctuary system will survive until the building expansion. If we have to replace the sanctuary system sooner, we hope to purchase a system that has the capacity to serve the renovated space.
What is the Lenten Program to Break Bread?
During Lent, we hope the majority of the congregation will meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM for a simple soup supper. (A leader is needed to coordinate the supper.) At 7PM we’ll meet for a small group discussion on the Greg Boyle book, Cherished Belonging. (Books can be purchased from your favorite bookseller or at stmtts.org/RobReads). At 8PM, those who can stay are invited for Compline. Discussions and activities will be provided for youth and children. Nursery will be available for our youngest members.
Do you have more details about the Building Expansion and Capital Campaign?
We are currently creating the Sanctuary Building Expansion Team. Once that team is created then the work begins to evaluate our building needs. We anticipate expanding the sanctuary out to the sidewalks on all sides to create additional space. Once a plan is in place, then a Capital Campaign will be shared with the congregation. Creating the building team and plan may take all of 2025. A capital campaign would likely start in 2026. A capital campaign typically runs for three years, and includes asking members to make a. Replacing the HVAC system in the parish hall and offices is a more immediate need, and the vestry is evaluating the best way to address this cost. Taking a loan would require the congregation applying to the Diocese Standing Committee for approval. It may not be in our best interest to apply for a loan for the HVAC and then a year later apply again for an expansion loan.
Describe the process of leaving LINK and focusing on HRTS.
Saint Matthew’s has been a member of the LINK board for approximately 20 years. We provided financial support, food donations, and volunteer driver support throughout the year. Melissa Hancock has served as our LINK representative for the past several years, but she and her husband have moved out of the area, and we have not been able to replace her. Since COVID and the creation of HRTS and the Care Response Team, our focus and energy has shifted to supporting our own efforts where we provide for our immediate neighbors. We still encourage families and individuals to support LINK as they are able. It is a wonderful organization.
What is the future of the Argonne House?
Saint Matthew's purchased the home at 1302 N. Argonne Ave. approximately 17 years ago. Originally used as meeting space and housing for a youth minister, it eventually came to provide much needed housing for a local family. This family also lead a Hispanc congregation which met at Saint Matthew’s for many years, until it closed before COVID. In exchange for housing, the family provided room set-up, light maintenance, lawn mowing, and cleaning of the church. In October of this year, the water heater leaked, causing extensive damage throughout the house. Luckily, insurance covered the cost of repairs (and asbestos abatement) due to the water leak, but the family was forced to relocate. Since that time, we have hired a new cleaning service who is doing excellent work. Lawn mowing and basic room set-up is being provided by a local landscaping company in exchange for space to store its vehicle and landscaping equipment. Extensive repairs due to wear and tear are still needed. In 2025, the vestry is considering the best use of the Argonne property. There are several possibilities for the Argonne house: Office space HRTS offices Housing for an Assistant Rector or Youth Minister Youth Ministry base of operations Episcopal Service Corps housing Demolish the house for parking - this may not be a true possibility Sell the house to pay for the HVAC system or capital campaign Julie asked if it might be used as housing for someone who could make the necessary repairs thereby allowing us additional time to determine its long term use. Cheryl asked if we can afford an Assistant Rector. At the present time, given our current HVAC concerns we do not have the funds for an Assistant Rector. In the future, the house may be a welcome part of a compensation package. As our congregation continues to grow, we pray our people will see the value and give generously which will allow us to hire an assistant or other staff. The house is not livable at this time. The kitchen needs a complete overhaul including new appliances and cabinets. New windows and sliding glass doors are also needed.
Are there specific actions planned to increase attendance and participation?
Yes, a marketing plan to increase attendance and participation is already in place. We have seen the fruits of this over the past year. Increased participation is also planned, but leaders are needed to make this plan come to fruition. What are we doing right now at Saint Matthew's and how do we lean into that? Coffee hour with themed Sundays, Kids Coffee Hour, and Faith Factory has seen a big increase in attendance. We are even launching a new Faith Factory class specifically for our preschool children.
What is the Welcoming Committee?
Like several items on the strategic plan, they are dependent on volunteer leaders. If we want this area to flourish, we need servants who are willing to welcome people to participate.
Do we have attendance graphs?
We have very detailed attendance metrics. Robby offered that attendance is up 10-15% year over year. (Actual: In person attendance for January 2025 is up 6% over January 2024)
Is the 2030 group continuing?
Yes, the 2030 group meets every other month for social activities. This may evolve into more spiritual activities as the group expresses interest. Attendance at the past two events has been 10-12 attendees.
Can you tell us more about AI as a spiritual tool?
Kathleen described how she uses ChatGPT to wordsmith marketing copy. Julie mentioned that we will be doing research on how to use AI as a spiritual tool.
Have additional questions not covered here? We'd love to answer them!
Contact us at office@stmtts.org