Youth Mission week
In the past week, St. Matthew's VBS and Youth Mission students harvested potatoes, played in mud, helped the homeless, thrown water balloons, experimented with dry ice, watched movies, broken bread and spent countless hours investing in the next generation of our children and youth.
The Youth Mission Team spent two days working in the fields of A Farm Less Ordinary. This amazing farm, located in Purcellville, VA, is part of a movement to create employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities.
The teens were able to assist in harvesting potatoes and blueberries and learned how this program helps those they serve with meaningful, paying jobs and giving them the support they need, and respect they deserve as contributing members of our society.
The Mission Team also served with the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy creating a Nature Play Day for the local community.
With so many kids constantly plugged into electronic devices, it's not surprising to know that many of them do not get to go outside and really play in nature very often.
The group created various play areas where they could get in the dirt, play in the mud and really explore God's creation through play.
The group also served at Mobile Hope a local organization that provides support and emergency shelter to youth up to age 24 who are at-risk, or homeless. (Interested in serving with Mobile Hope? Join us on Aug 7th from 10 am - 12 pm > LEARN MORE).
They spent their days serving the community, and their evenings helping with our 2021 VBS right here at St. Matthew's followed by a few evenings of fun watching movies, playing games and developing new friendships through their time in service!
Treasured VBS 💎
What an amazing adventure we had this week at VBS! We spent the week as Treasure Hunters on a quest learning that WE are treasured by God!
Day 1, we met Pogo the frog who helped us remember that “God knows you!” 🐸
Day 2, we met Ruby, a noisy macaw who taught us that “God hears you!” 🐤
Day 3, we met Wilder, a cuddly monkey who reminded us that “God comforts you!” 🐒
Day 4 we met Grace, a beautiful butterfly who taught us that “God forgives you!” 🦋
Today, Day 5, we will meet Raymond the Cayman, who will teach us that "God chooses you!" 🐊
Throughout the week, we played games, acted out bible stories, learned through sciencey fun gizmos and real-life lessons from other kids in Kid-Vid Cinema.
This awesome week would not be possible without the many volunteers and leaders who put together this year's VBS, Thank you!
Check out more photos of VBS and Youth Mission week on our Facebook page!