In a way, you're already meeting one of them just by reading this! I'm Haley McBride, and this is my first project as an intern this summer! I, as well as the other interns joining St. Matthew's this summer, are thrilled to engage with not only the church and those within it, but the community as well. Ranging from assisting with the youth to taking photos and videos and doing marketing, this summer, St. Matthew's has offered the opportunity for college students to begin work in fields that will build skills for them in their lives. Whether these skills will enhance their careers or their every-day lives, they will last indefinitely. They will also form bonds with each other and the community at large this summer. My challenge to you as you read this is to guess which is the lie each intern has listed. Best of luck!
You will be seeing these lovely people throughout this summer, so don't hesitate to reach out to ask questions or simply get to know us! We hope to encourage and develop a fun, memorable experience for everyone involved this summer, and hope to see you around!
Answer Key
Rachel's lie: She's won 3 National Theatre on Ice awards
Colin's lie: He loves peanut butter
Missy's lie: She has a scuba diving certification
Cailin's lie: She plays the guitar
Hudson's lie: He loves eggs
Haley's lie: Her favorite color is blue