As we close out June, I want to thank each and every one of you for sticking with us online and in person. What a beautiful way to begin a beautiful summer—with all of you. In two short weeks, we will be sending off Fr. Rob and Linda for their sabbatical and would love for you to be involved. By Friday, July 9th, we invite and encourage you to send in or drop off a card of well wishes and a financial gift to be presented to the Merolas on Sunday, July 11th. This is also a great way to congratulate and celebrate their 20th Anniversary with St. Matt’s! We also encourage you to attend worship with us on July 11th to give them your hugs.
In the meantime, keep the Merolas in your prayers as they prepare for a BIG adventure, and keep doing what you do best…loving each other as Christ taught us.
Rev. Mary Margaret