When you think of St. Matthew's, what comes to mind? Great music? VBS? Celebration Garden? Crazy sermon illustrations like broken glass, bowling balls hanging from the ceiling and cows in a field?

How about 250 children in Haiti being fed for more than a year; 200+ bags of food packed each week for children in the Sterling area by our Backpack Buddies ministry; volunteers serving at Mobile Hope to restock and organize clothing for homeless youth in Loudoun County?
Our mission is "To Know and Share God's Love", and we've affectionately added the "… and then some" on the end of that because we are known for going the extra mile whenever we can. This "... and then some" spirit requires meaningful action––an encouraging word, a meal served to someone in need, uplifting those in a disenfranchised community, to help people of all walks of life experience God’s love in their lives. But how do you help us continue? The answer could be outreach, and you may be surprised that we do not have as many volunteers for outreach programs as you think.

What is outreach ministry? Outreach ministry is the practice of looking beyond yourself to the people around you and sharing God's love as you serve and connect with the community.
Matthew 25: 35-36
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Challenge yourself to choose one outreach project this month and get involved. You'll be surprised that you may get more out of it that you give … and then some.
October/November Outreach Projects & Initiatives
Winter Coat Drive - drop off a new or gently used coat by 11/9 for those in need
To learn more on ways you can Serve and Grow here at St. Matthew's, visit our Get Involved page.